1989年度以後の論文(Papers after 1989)
フォーマットは統一されていない (Format is not consistetnt.)
Y. Kita and Y. Shirai: Exraction of Accurate Stomach Contour from X-ray
Images of Barium Filled Stomachs, 9th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition,
pp.917--919 (1988)
Y. Nishimoto and Y. Shirai: A feature-based stereo model using disparity
histograms of multi-resolution channels, Advanced Robotics, 3-1,
17-33 (1989)
坂根,R.Niepold, 佐藤,白井 "環境モデルに基づくハンドアイシステムの
照明設定プラニング,日本ロボット学会誌,7,[3],130-140 (1989)
Y. Shirai: Robot Vision - Range Data Acquisition and Utilization,
Proc. 6th Scandinavian Conf. on Image Analysis, 15-23 (June 1989)(Invited)
M. Asada, and Y. Shirai, ``Building a world model for a mobile robot using
dynamic semantic constraints, Proc. of 11th Int. Joint Conf.
on Artificial Intelligence, 1629-1634 (1989)
M. Asada, and Y. Shirai "Interpretation of video and range images for
a mobile robot with dynamic constraints,
Preprint. of 5th Int. Symp. of Robotics Research, pp.217-224 (1989)
Y. Shirai: Application of Laser Range Finder to Robot Vision,
Sensor Devices and Systems for Robotics, NATO ASI Series, A.Casals (ed.),
Springer-Verlag (1989)
M. Kimura, M. Asada and Y. Shirai: Interpretation and integration of height
maps from a range image sequence, Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Workshop
on Intelligent Robot and Systems,54-61 (1989)
M. Asada and Y. Shirai,Interpretation of video and range images for a mobile
robot using dynamic semantic constraints, H. Miura and S. Arimoto Eds.,
The 5th Int. Symp. on Robotics Research, pp.153-160, 1990.
Y. Shirai: Robot Vision - Range Data Acquisition and Scene Understanding-,
Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Supercomputing, 625-630 (1990) (Invited Paper)
モデリング, 情報処理学会論文誌, 31, 12,1743-1754 (1990)
M. Asada, M. Kimura and Y. Shirai: Dynamic integration of height maps into
a 3-D world representation from a range image sequence", Proc. of 3rd
Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, pp.548-555 (1990)
Y. Shirai: Flexible Path Selection and Obstacle Avoidance for AGV, Proc.
IEEE Int. Workshop on Intelligent Motion Control, IP39-IP44(1990)(Invided)
Y. Shirai: Matching of Hierarchical CAD-Based Models for Outdoor Scene
Interpretation, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Direction in Automated CAD-Based
Vision, 186-195 (1991)
M. Asada, M. Kimura and Y. Shirai: Building a 3-D World Representation
for Dynamic Scenes from Range Image Sequences, IEICE Trans. Vol. E 74,
No. 10 (1991)
電子情報通信学会, J74-D-2, 7, 918-925 (1991)
白井良明:自律ロボットの眼,Proc. Int. Symp. Computer World '91, 173-180 (1991)
(Invited Paper)
Y. Terashi and Y. Shirai: Extraction of Accurate Stomach Contours from X-Ray
Images of Barium-Filled Stomachs and Its Application to Detect Potential
Abnormalities", Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 53, 5,
pp.447-456 (1991)
M. Asada, M. Kimura and Y. Shirai: Dynamic integration of height maps into
a 3-D world representation from a range image sequyences, Int. Jounal of
Computer Vision, pp. 31-53 (1992)
Nakayama, O.,Shirai, Y, and Asada, M.: Multistage Stereo Method Giving
Priority to Reliable Matching, Proc.IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics
and Automation pp.1753-1758 (1992)
J. Miura, J. and Y. Shirai: Vision-Motion Planning with Uncertainty,
Proc. 1992 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automat, pp.1772-1777, 1992.
M. Etoh, Y. Shirai, and M. Asada: Contour Extraction by Mixture Density
Description Obtained from Region Clustering, Proc. ECCV, 24-32 (1992)
Y. Taniguchi, M. Asada, Y. Shirai: Scene Segmentation Based on Object
Model Using Multi-Sensor Information Proc. 1992 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on
Intelligent Robotics and Systems, pp.1214-1222, 1992.
T. Nakamura, M. Asada, and Y.Shirai: A Qualitative Approach to Quantitative
Recovery of Cylindrical Shape, Pose and Illuminant Condition from Shading
and Contour, Proc. 1992 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and
Systems, pp.1223-1230, 1992
S. Hirata, Y. Shirai, and M. Asada: Scene Interpretation Using 3-D
Information Extracted from Monocular Color Images, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Systems, pp.1603-1610, 1992 (Best paper award)
J. Miura and Y.Shirai: Hierarchical Vision-Motion Planning with
Uncertainty Local Path Planning and Global Route Selection, Proc. 1992
IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Systems, pp.1847-1854, 1992
O. Nakayama, Y.Shirai, and M.Asada: Use of T-junctions for Reliable Stereo
Proc. 1992 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Systems,
pp.1214-1222, 1992.
的な領域抽出、 電子情報通信学会、J75-D-2, 7, 1111-1119 (1992)
三浦 純,白井良明, "不確かさを考慮した視覚と行動のプランニング",
人工知能学会誌, vol.7, no.5, pp.850-861, 1992
Y. Shirai: 3D Computer Vision and Applications,Proc. ICPR,
pp.236-245 (Sept. 1992) (Invited Paper)
平田真一,白井良明,浅田稔: 単一カラー画像から得られる3次元情報を利用した
シーンの解釈,電子情報通信学会、J75-D-2, 11, 1839-1847 (1992)
Y. Shirai: Machine Vision for Intelligent Mobile Systems,Proc. Singapore
Int. Conf. on Intelligent System, pp.49-58 (1992) (Invited Paper)
栄藤,白井: 領域分割に基づく複雑物体の切り出し,NICOGRAPH論文コンテスト,
Shigeyuki Sakane, Ruprecht Niepold, Tomomasa Sato,Yoshiaki Shirai:
Illumination setup planning for a hand-eye system based on an
environmental model'',Advanced Robotics,Vol.6,No.4,pp.461-482 (1992)
中山收文,白井良明,浅田稔: エッジの対応にもとづくステレオカメラのセルフ
(Self-Calibration of Stereo Cameras Using Correspondences of Edges)
Akira Okamoto, Yoshiaki Shirai and Minoru Asada,''Integration of Color
and Range Data for Three-Dimensional Scene Description'',IEICE Trans.,
Vol. E76-D, No.4,pp.501k-506 (1993)
M. Etoh and Y. Shirai,''Segmentation and 2D Motion Estimation by Region
Fragments'',Forth International Conference on Computer Vision,
Berlin,Germany, pp.192-199, 1993
Hild, M. and Shirai, Y.:
Interpretation of Natural Scenes Using Multi-Parameter Default Models
and Qualitative Constraints, Proc. ICCV'93 pp.497-501 (1993)
Haisong Gu, Minoru Asada, and Yoshiaki Shirai: The Optimal Partition
of Moving Edge Segments'',1993 IEEE Computer Society Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp.367-372 (1993)
H. -J. Chen, Y. Shirai, and M. Asada: Obtaining optical flow with
multi-orientation filters, Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'93,
pp.736-737, New York (1993)
田中恭治,白井良明: 解析信号化した画像の時空間フィルタリングによる運動の
抽出と追跡,電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J76-D-2,No.6, pp.1149-1158 (1993)
J. Miura and Y. Shirai: An Uncertainty Model of Stereo Vision and
Its Application to Vision-Motion Planning of Robot, Proc. of 13th Int.
Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, 1618-1623 (1993)
T.Kanbara, J.Miura and Y.Shirai: Selection of Efficient Landmarks for
an Autonomous Vehicle, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics
and Systems, pp.1332-1338, 1993.
H. -J. Chen, Y. Shirai, and M. Asada: Detecting multiple rigid image
motions from an optical flow field obtained with multi-scale,
multi-orientation filters, IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems,
vol.E76-D, no.10, pp.1253-1262, 1993.
栄藤,白井: 色,位置,輝度こう配に基づく領域分割による2次元動き推定,
電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J76-D-II, No.11, pp.2324-2332, 1993
(2D Motion Estimation by Region Segmentation Based on Color,Position
and Intensity Gradients)(論文賞)
M. Hild and Y. Shirai: Scene Interpretation with Multi-Parameter
Default Models and Qualitative Constraints, IEICE Trans.
Inf. \& Syst., Vol.E76-D, No.12, pp.1510-1520 (1993)
Yoshiaki Shirai, Jun Miura, Yasushi Mae, Morito Shiohara, Hiroichi Egawa,
Shigeru Sasaki: Moving Object Perception and Tracking by Use of DSP, Proc.
Workshop on Computer Architectures for Machine Perception, pp.251-256, 1993.
(Y.Shirai, J. Miura, Y. Mae, M. Shiohara, H. Egawa, S. Sasaki: Moving
Object Perception and Tracking by Use of DSP, Proc. Workshop on
Computer Architectures for Machine Perception, pp.251-256 (1993)
Y. Shirai: Three-Dimensional Sensing and a Reliable Stereo,
T. Kanade and R. Paul Eds., The 6th Int. Symp. on Robotics Research,
International Foundation of Robotics Research, pp.157-164 (1994)
H. -J. Chen, Y. Shirai: Segmentation based on accumulative observation
of apparent motion in long image sequences,
IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, vol.E77-D, no.6, pp.694-704, 1994.
Haisong Gu and Yoshiaki Shirai,''MDL-Based Spatiotemporal Segmentation from
Motionn in a Long Image Sequence'', Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp.448-453 (1994)
H. -J. Chen, Y. Shirai: Detecting Multiple Image Motions by Exploiting
Temporal Coherence of Apparent Motion, Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp.899-902 (1994)
決定」,電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol.J77-D-2, no.7, pp.1226-1235, 1994.
田中恭治,白井良明: カメラの回転制御を伴う運動の追跡に関する一提案,
計測自動制御学会論文集,Vol.30, No.7, pp.811-818 (1994)
M. Hild and Y. Shirai: Extraction of texture elements from images of shaded
scenes, Pattern Recognition, Vol.26, No.8, pp.1177-1191(September 1994)
H. Takizawa, Y. Shirai, and J. Miura: Selective refinement of 3-D scene
description by attentive observation for mobile robot, Proc. of IEEE/RSJ/GI
Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.1118-1125 (1994)
Y. Kuno, M. Sakamoto, K. Sakata, and Y. Shirai : Vision-based human interface
with user-centered frame, Proc. 1994 IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.2023-2029, 1994.
谷口,白井,浅田: 異種視覚センサ情報処理の中間結果の融合による画像理解,
ロボット学会誌,Vol.12, No.5, pp.700-707 (1994).
Taniguchi, Y. Shirai, Y. and Asada, M.: Scene Interpretation by Fusing
Intermediate Results of Multiple Visual Sensory Information Processing,
Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for
Intelligent Systems (MFI'94), pp.699-706 (1994)
J. Miura and Y. Shirai, "Modeling Obstacles and Free Spaces for a Mobile
Robot using Stereo Vision with Uncertainty",
Proc. 1994 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp.3368-3373, 1994.
日本機械学会論文集C編,Vol.61, No.58 , pp.145-151,1995-1
三浦,白井: ステレオ視におけるあいまいな対応づけのモデリングとあいまいさ
解消のための視点選択,ロボット学会誌,Vol.13, No.1, pp.1222-1230 (1995).
Yamamoto, S., Mae, Y., Shirai Y. and Miura, J.: Realtime
Multiple Object Tracking Based on Optical Flows, Proc. IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.2328-2333 (1995).
Shimada, N., Shirai,Y. and Kuno, Y.: Hand Gestrue Recognition Using
Computer Vision Based on Model-matching Method, Proc.of 6th International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp.11-16 (1995).
Gu, H., Shirai, Y. and Asada, M: Motion Description and Segmentation of
Multiple Moving Objects in a Long Image Sequences, IEICE Trans. on
Information and Systems, vol. E78-D, No.3, pp. 277-289, 1995.
K.-H. Jo, Y. Kuno and Y. Shirai, "Vision-Based Human Interface System
with World-fixed and Human-centered Frames", Proc. of the 6th Int.
Conf. on Human Computer Interaction, Vol. 2, pp. 193-198, 1995.
高永,久野,三浦,白井: 複数視点からのコニックを基準にした不変量を
用いた物体認識,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.36, No.10, pp.2286-2294 (1995)
滝沢穂高,白井良明,三浦純 : 注視・ズームを用いた自律移動ロボットのための3D
シーン記述の選択的精密化, 日本ロボット学会誌 Vol.13 No.7, pp.963--970 (1995)
Y. Kuno, K.H. Jo, K. Hayashi, and Y. Shirai : Human-centered
human-computer interface using multiple view invariants, International
Workshop on Automatic Face- and Gesture-Recognition, pp.266-271, 1995.
Y. Kuno, K. Hayashi, K.H. Jo, and Y. Shirai : Human-robot interface
using uncalibrated stereo vision, 1995 IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.525-530, 1995.
Y. Shirai: Planning with Uncertainty of Vision, Modelling and Planning
for Sensor Based Intelligent Robot Systems, H. Bunk et al (eds.),
World Science (1995)
K. Jo, Y. Kuno, and Y, Shirai: Vison-Based Human Interface System with
World-Fixed and Human-Centered Franes, Symbiosis of Human and Artifact,
pp.193-198 (1995)
島田 伸敬,白井 良明,久野 義徳: TVカメラを用いた三次元手指動作の入力法,
第11回NICOGRAPH論文コンテスト論文集, pp.197--207 (1995)
Shirai, Y., Mae, Y., and Yamamoto, S.: Object Tracking by Using Optical
Flows and Edges, G.Giralt and G. Hirzinger Eds., The 7th Int. Symp. on
Robotics Research, Springer, pp.440-447 (1996)
Gu, H., Shirai, Y. and Asada, M: MDL-Based Segmentation and Motion Modeling
in a Long Image Sequence of Scene with Multiple Independently Moving
Objects, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol.18, No.1, pp.58-64 (1996)
A. Nagai, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai : Surveillance system based on
spatio-temporal information, IEEE 1996 International Conference on
Image Processing, Vol.II, pp.593-596, 1996.
K. Jo, K. Hayashi, Y. Kuno, and Y, Shirai: Vision-Based Human Interface
System with World-Fixed and Human-Centered Frames Using Multiple View
Invariance,IEICE Trans. on Inf. \& Syst., vol.E79-D, no.6, pp.799-807 (1996)
Hotaka Takizawa, Yoshiaki Shirai and Jun Miura, "Selective refinement
of 3-D scene description by attentive observation for mobile robot",
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol.17, Num.1-2, pp.15--23 (1996)
H. Takizawa, Y. Shirai, Y. Kuno and J. Miura: Recognition of Intersection
Scene by Attentive Observation for a Mobile Robot, Proc. of the IAPR
TC-8 Workshop on Machine Perception Applications, Sept. 1996.
中山收文,白井良明: 正規化した明度情報を利用したオクルージョン境界の
ステレオ対応付け, 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.14, No.7, pp.1026-1032 1996/10
(Stereo Matching for Occlusion Boundaries Using Normalized Light Intensity)
島田伸敬,白井,久野義徳: 確率に基づく照合を用いた画像からの手指の3次元姿勢
推定,電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J79-D-2, No.7,pp.1210-1217 (1996)
3-D Hand Pose Estimation from Image Sequence Using
Probability-Based Search and Matching"
Y. Mae, Y. Shirai, J. Miura and Y. Kuno, "Object Tracking in Cluttered
Background Based on Optical Flow and Edges", Proc. of the 13th IAPR
Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 1, pp. 196-200, 1996.
J. Miura and Y. Shirai, "Application of Flexible Computation to a
Vision-Motion Planning of a Mobile Robot under Uncertainty", Proc. of
1996 AAAI Fall Symposium on Flexible Computation in Intelligent
Systems: Results, Issues, and Opportunities, pp. 121-127, 1996.
H. Takizawa, Y. Shirai, Y. Kuno and J. Miura: Recognition of Intersection
Scene by Attentive Observation for a Mobile Robot, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf.
on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1648--1654 (1996).
R. Okada, Y. Shirai, and J. Miura, "Object Tracking Based on Optical
Flow and Disparity", Proc. of IEEE/SICE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Multisensor
Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, pp. 565-571, 1996.
A. Nagai, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai : Surveillance system based on
spatio-temporal information, IEEE 1996 International Conference on
Image Processing, Vol.2, pp.593-596, 1996
(論文賞 1997.6.11) 画像センシング技術研究会
Y. Kuno, O. Takae, T. Takahashi, and Y. Shirai : Object recognition
using multiple view invariance based on complex features,
IEEE 1996 Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, pp.129-134 (1996)
K. Hayashi, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai : Human robot interface with appropriate
frame selection, IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications,
pp.187-190, 1996
Y. Shirai: Understanding Complex Scene Using Multisensor and World Knowledge,
Proc. Language and Vision Workshop, New Mexico, pp.174-183, 1996
前 泰志,白井良明,三浦純,久野義徳:
日本ロボット学会誌,Vol.15, No.1, pp.103-108, 1997.
Object Tracking in Cluttered Background Based on Optical Flow and Edges
Y. Shirai: Estimation of 3-D Pose and Shape from a Monocular Image Sequence
and Realtime Human Tracking, Proc. Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and
Modeling, pp.130-139 (1997) (Invited as Kyenote Speaker)
長井敦,久野義徳,白井良明: 複雑変動背景下における移動物体の検出,
電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J80-D-2, No.5, pp.1086-1095, 1997
J. Miura and Y. Shirai: Vision-Motion Planning for a Mobile Robot under
Uncertainty, Int. J. of Robotics Research, Vol.16, No. 6, 806-825 (1997)
谷口,白井: 認識の信頼性を考慮した屋外シーンの解釈,
電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J80-D-2, No.6, pp.1493-1501 (1997)
岡田,白井,三浦,久野: オプティカルフローと距離情報に基づく動物体追跡,
電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J80-D-II, No.6, pp.1530-1538 (1997)
(Object Tracking Based on Optical Flow and Depth)
前田佐嘉志,久野義徳,白井良明: 固有空間解析に基づく移動ロボットの位置認識,
電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J80-D-2, No.6, pp.1502-1511 (1997)
S. Maeda, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai : Mobile robot localization based on
eigenspace analysis, Systems and Computers in Japan,
Vol.28, No.12, pp.11-21, 1997.
金谷,白井: エネルギー最小化原理を利用した角膜内皮細胞の抽出,
電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J80-D-2, No.7, pp.105-1711 (1997)
(Extraction of Corneal Endothelial Cells Using Energy Minimization)
S. Maeda, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai : Active navigation vision based on
eigenspace analysis, Proc. 1997 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol.2, pp.1018-1023, 1997.
T.C.H. Heng, Y. Kuno and Y. Shirai: Active sensor fusion for collision
avoidance, IEEE/RSJ International Confererence on Intelligent Systems
and Robots, Vol.3, pp.1244-1249, 1997.
T.C.H. Heng, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai : Combination of active sensing and sensor
fusion for collision avoidance in mobile robots, Image Analysis and
Processing, A.D. Bimbo Ed., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1311, (Proc.
9th Int. Conf. on Image Anaysis and Processing, Vol.II), pp.568-575, 1997.
I. Moon, J. Miura, Y. Yanagi, and Y. Shirai: Planning of Vision-Based
Navigation for a Mobile Robot under Uncertainty, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf.
on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.1202-1207, Grenoble, France (1997)
綾木之裕,石橋武,上町新也,白井良明: 局所視差ヒストグラムを用いた三眼立体視
による重機検出システム, 電気学会論文誌C,Vol.117, No.10, pp.1418〜1424
K. Hayashi, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai : Pointing gesture recognition system
permitting user's freedom of movement, Proc. Workshop on Perceptual User
Interfaces, pp.16-19 1997.
K.H. Jo, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai: Context-based recognition of manipulative
hand gestures for human computer interaction, Proc. ACCV'98, pp.368-375 (1998)
Y. Taniguchi, Y. Shirai: Evidence-Based Scene Interpretation Considering
Subjective Certainty of Recognition, Proc. ACCV'98, pp.432-439 (1998)
Inhyuk Moon, Jun. Miura, and Yoshiaki Shirai: Dynamic Motion Planning
for Efficient Visual Navigation under Uncertainty, eds. Y. Kakazu, M. Wada,
and T. Sato, Intelligent Autonomous Systems, IOS Press, Amsterdam,
pp.172-179 (1998)
J. Miura and Y. Shirai, "Scheduling Parallel Execution of Planning and
Action for a Hierarchically-Decomposable Planning Problem",
Proc. Workshop on Integrating Planning, Scheduling, and Execution in
Dynamic and Uncertain Environments, pp. 74-80, 1998.
島田伸敬,白井 良明,久野 義徳,三浦 純: 緩やかな制約知識を利用した単眼視
動画像からの関節物体の形状と姿勢の同時推定, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, D-II
vol.J81-D-II, No.1, pp.45-53 (1998)
Shape and Pose Estimation of An Articulated Object from Monocular
Image Sequence Based on Loose Constraints
日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.16, No.3, pp.345-352, 1998.
K.H. Jo, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai: Manipulative hand gesture recognition using
task knowledge for human computer interaction, Proc. 3rd IEEE International
Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition, pp.468-473, 1998.
Y. Kuno, T. Ishiyama, K.H. Jo, N. Shimada, and Y. Shirai: Vision-based human
interface system selectively recognizing intentional hand gestures,
Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics and Imaging, pp.219-222, 1998.
N. Shimada, Y. Shirai, Y. Kuno, and J. Miura, Hand Gesture Estimation and
Model Refinement using Monocular Camera, Proc. of 3rd IEEE Int. Conf.
on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, pp.268-273, 1998
Terence Chek Hion Heng, Y. Kuno and Y. Shirai: Active Sensor Fusion
for Collision Avoidance in Behavior-Based Mobile Robot,
IEICE Trans. on Inf. \& Syst., vol.E81-D, no.5, pp.448-456 (1998)
Yamane, T., Shirai, Y. and Miura, J.
: Person Tracking by Integrating Optical Flow and Uniform Brightness Regions,
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robot and Automation, pp. 3267-3272 (1998)
Y. Mae and Y. Shirai: Tracking Moving Object in 3-D Space Based on
Optical Flow and Edges, Proc. ICPR'98, pp.1439-1441 (1998)
A. Iketani, A. Nagai, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai : Detecting persons on
changing background, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, pp.74-76, 1998.
T. Takahashi, S. Nakanishi, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai : Helping computer
vision by verbal and nonverbal communication, Proc. 14th
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp.1216-1218, 1998.
Y. Kuno, T. Ishiyama, Y. Adachi, and Y. Shirai : Human interface systems
using intentional and unintentional behaviors,
Proc. 1998 Workshop on Perceptual User Interfaces, pp.55-58, 1998.
三浦 純,白井良明, "プラニングコストと不確かさを考慮した移動ロボットの
視覚と行動のプランニング", 人工知能学会誌, vol.13, no.4, pp.588-596, 1998
田中恭治,白井良明: 選択的自己抑制学習による非一様テクスチャ画像からの
物体群の品質推定'', 信学論D-II, vol.J81-D-II, no.9, pp.2120-2129 1998
Y. Shirai, T. Yamane, and R. Okada: Robust Visual Tracking by Integrating
Various Cues, IEICE Trans. on Inf. \& Syst., vol.E81-D, no.9, pp.951-958, 1998
(Invited Paper)
Takizawa, H., Shirai, Y., Miura, J., and Kuno, Y.: Planning of Observation and
Motion for Interpretation of Road Intersection Scenes Considering Uncertainty,
Proc. IROS'98, pp.520-525 (1998)
Y. Adachi, Y. Kuno, N. Shimada, and Y. Shirai : Intelligent wheelchair using
visual information on human faces, Proc. 1998 IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.354-359, 1998.
Y. Shirai: Tightly Coupled Sensor and Behavior for Real World Recognition,
Y. Shirai and S. Hirose (eds.) Robotics Research, Springer,pp. 415-426 (1998)
H. Tsutsui, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai: Optical Flow-Based Person Tracking
by Multiple Cameras, Proc. IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications,
pp. 418-421 (1998)
神原,三浦,白井,林,李: 移動と観測と地図の不確かさを考慮したロボットの
最適行動プラニング,日本機械学会論文集C編65巻629号,pp. 130-137 (1999年1月)
田中恭治,白井良明: 非一様テクスチャを有する物体群画像からのWavelet階層化を
用いた品質推定'',電学論D, vol.D-119, no.1 pp.67-74 (1999)
綾木之裕(よしひろ),白井: オクルージョン情報を利用したオクルージョンエッジの
ステレオ対応付け,日本ロボット学会誌,Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 218-226 (1999)
林 健太郎,久野義徳,白井良明 : ユーザの位置の拘束のないジェスチャによる
ヒューマンインタフェース,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.40, No.2, pp.556-566, 1999.
林健太郎,久野義徳,島田伸敬,白井良明, "動的ロバストキャリブレーションによる
人体の姿勢復元", 電子情報通信学会論文誌 Vol.J83-D-II No.3, pp.977-987, 2000.
中山, 白井: 解像度制御を用いたステレオ視による複雑な物体シーンの記述作成、
日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.17, No.3, 380-388 (1999)
足立佳久, 中西知、久野、島田、白井: 顔の視覚情報処理を用いた知的車椅子、
日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.17, No.3, 423-431 (1999)
Y. Ohno, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai,
"Tracking Players and a Ball in Soccer Games",
Proc. 1999 IEEE/SICE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Multisensor Fusion and
Integration for Intelligent Systems, pp. 147-152, Taiwan, Aug. 1999.
Inhyuk Moon, Jun. Miura, and Yoshiaki Shirai: On-line Viewpoint and Motion
Planning for Efficient Visual Navigation under Uncertainty, Robotics and
Automation Systems, Vol.28, No. 2-3, pp. 237-248 (1999)
Kiyosumi Kidono, Jun Miura, Yoshiaki Shirai:
Autonomous Navigation of a Mobile Robot using a Human-Guided Experience,
Proc. SMC (1999)
人間の追跡, 電子情報通信学会論文誌,vol.J82-D-II, No.8, pp.1252-1261 (1999)
運動物体の複数平面近似による抽出と追跡,日本ロボット学会誌,Vol.17, No.7,
pp. 959-965 (1999)
文 仁赫,三浦純,白井良明:不確かさを考慮した観測位置と移動のオンライン
計画手法,日本ロボット学会誌,Vol.17, No.8, pp. 1107-1113 (1999)
A. Nagai, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai : Detection of Moving Objects against
a Changing Background, Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.30, No.11,
pp.107-116, 1999.
Y. Kuno, Y. Adachi, T. Murashima, and Y. Shirai: Intelligent wheelchair
looking at its user, Proc. Second International Conference
on Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication, pp.84-89, 1999.
Y. Kuno, S. Nakanishi, T. Murashima, N. Shimada, and Y. Shirai :
Robotic wheelchair with three control modes, Proc. IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.2590-2595, 1999.
Y. Kuno, T. Ishiyama, S. Nakanishi, and Y. Shirai : Combining observations
of intentional and unintentional behaviors for human-computer interaction,
Proc. CHI 99, pp.238-245, 1999.
A. Iketani, Y. Kuno, N. Shimada, and Y. Shirai: Real-time surveillance system
detecting persons in complex scenes, Proc. IAPR International Conference
on Image Analysis and Processing, 1999
Y. Kuno, S. Nakanishi, T. Murashima, N. Shimada, and Y. Shirai :
Robotic wheelchair observing its inside and outside, Proc. IAPR
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 1999.
S. Nakanishi, Y. Kuno, and Y. Shirai : Robotic wheelchair based on
observations of both user and environment, Proc. 1999 IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1999.
Y. Shirai, Inoue, H., Inaba, M., Terada, M, and Y. Tateyama:
Robot as Friendly Artifact - Human Recognition and Interaction -,
Proc. International Conf. on Advanced Robotics. pp. 101-106 (Oct.1999)
Y. Kuno, S. Nakanishi, T. Murashima, N. Shimada, and Y. Shirai,
Intelligent wheelchair based on the integration of human and
environment observations, Proc. 1999 IEEE International Conference
on Information Intelligence and Systems, pp. 342-349, Bethesda,
Maryland, Oct. 31 - Nov. 3, 1999 (best paper award).
Y. Shirai: Robot Visor Research: Past and Future Role,
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 18. 12, 1185-1200 (1999)
R. Okada, Y. Shirai, and J. Miura: Tracking a Person by Integrating
Optical Flow and Depth, Proc. IEEE International Conference on
Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, pp. 336-341, 2000.
Y. Shirai, R. Okada, and T. Yamane: Robust visual tracking by
integrating varous cues, M. Vince and G. D. Hager Eds., Robust
vision for vision-based control of motion, IEEE Press, Chap. 5,
pp. 53-65, Jan. 2000.
人間の実時間追跡, ロボット学会誌,Vol.18, No.4, pp.521-528 (2000)
Yoshiaki Shirai
"Interaction with service robots equipped with vision and manipulators",
Workshop on Language Understanding and Action, October 2000
の理解と学習,ロボット学会誌,Vol.18, No.4, pp.590-599 (2000)
三浦 純,白井良明: プラニングと行動の一貫性に基づく移動ロボットのプラニングと
行動の並列スケジューリング, 人工知能学会誌, vol.15, no.6, pp.588-596, 2000
T. Kanbara, J. Miura, Y. Shirai, A. Hayashi, and S. Li, "A Method of Planning
Movement and Observation for a Mobile Robot Considering Uncertainties
of Movement, Visual Sensing, and a Map", JSME International Journal:
C, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 415--422, 2000.
Y. Ohno, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai, "Tracking Players and Estimation
of the 3D Position of a Ball in Soccer Games", Proc. 15th Int. Conf.
on Pattern Recognition, pp. 145-148, 2000.
Kiyosumi Kidono, Jun Miura, and Yoshiaki Shirai: Autonomous Visual Navigation
of a Mobile Robot Using a Human-Guided Experience, eds. E. Pagello et al,
Intelligent Autonomous Systems 6, IOS Press, Amsterdam,
pp.620-627 (2000)
Yuichi Araki, Nobutaka Shimada, Yoshiaki Shirai: "Face Detection and
Face Direction Estimation using Color and Shape Features",
Proc. Int. Conf. on Machine Automation, pp.351-356, 2000.
Y. Hamada, N. Shimada, and Y. Shirai: Hand Shape Extimation Using Image
Transition Network, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Human Motion, pp.161-166 (2000/12)
内田恭輔,三浦純,白井良明: 雑踏における複数歩行者の追跡
システム制御情報学会論文誌,第14巻 第4号, pp.180-185 (2001/4)
(Tracking Multiple Pedestrians in Crowd)
伊藤元邦, 三浦 純, 白井良明. "道路シーンの視覚認識に基づく運転支援システム",
日本ロボット学会誌, Vol. 19, No.5, pp. 603-611, 2001.
R. Okada, Y. Shirai, J. Miura,Y. Kuno, "Tracking a Person with 3D Motion
by Integrating Optical Flow and Depth", Systems and Computers in Japan,
Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 29-38, 2001.
城殿清澄, 三浦 純, 白井良明. "誘導による移動経験に基づく視覚移動ロボットの
自律走行", 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 1003-1009, 2001.
H. Tsutsui, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai: Optical Flow-Based Person Tracking
by Multiple Cameras, Proc. International Conference on Multisensor Fusion
and Integration for Intelligent Systems, pp. 91-96 (2001)
N. Shimada, K. Kimura, Y. Shirai: Real-time 3-D Hand Posture Estimation based
on 2-D Appearance Retrieval Using Monocular Camera,
{\em Proc. of the 2nd WS on Recognition, Analysis and Tracking of Faces and
Gestures in Realtime Systems}, pp.23-30, 2001.
Yoshiaki Shirai: Human Friendly Vision Systems, Proc. 5th Franco-Japan Congress
& 3rd European-Asian Congress of Mecatronics, pp. 11-16 (Oct. 2001) (invited)
Kyousuke Uchida, Yoshiaki Shirai, and Nobutaka Shimada:
Probabilistic Method of Real-Time Person Detection Using Color Image
Sequences, Proc. IEEE/RSJ IROS'2001, pp.1983-1988 (2001)
A. Iketani, A. Nagai, Y. Kuno, N. Shimada, and Y. Shirai: Real-Time
Surveillance System Detecting Persons in Complex Scenes, Real-Time Imaging 7,
443-446 (2001)
鍛佳代子,内田恭輔,三浦純,白井良明: 交差流動の発生する街路空間における
複数歩行者の自動跡追,日本建築学会技術報告集,Vol. 14, 359-364 (2001-12)
N. Shimada, K. Kimura and Y. Shirai, "Real-time 3-D Hand Posture Estimation
based on 2-D Appearance Retrieval Using Monocular Camera",
Proc. Int. WS. on RATFG-RTS (satellite WS of ICCV2001), pp.23-30, 2001.
村上佳史,久野義徳,島田伸敬,白井良明, "知的車椅子のための歩行者の観察に
基づく衝突回避", 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 206-213, 2002.
Makihara Y., Takizawa M., Shirai Y., Miura J., Shimada N.,
"Object Recognition Supported by User Interaction for Service Robots",
Proc. of Fifth Asian Conference of Computer Vision,
Vol. 2, pp. 719-724, 2002.
J. Miura and Y. Shirai, "Probabilistic Uncertainty Modeling of Obstacle
Motion for Robot Motion Planning", J. of Robotics and Mechatronics,
Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 534-541, 2002.
K. Kidono, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai, "Autonomous Visual Navigation of
a Mobile Robot Using a Human-Guided Experience", Robotics and Autonomous
Systems, Vol. 40, Nos. 2-3, pp. 121-130, 2002.
Y. Araki, N. Shimada and Y. Shirai,
"Detection of Faces of Various Directions in Complex Backgrounds",
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, pp. 409-412, 2002.
Y. Makihara, M. Takizawa, Y. Shirai, J. Miura , and N. Shimada,
"Object Recognition Supported by User Interaction for Service Robots,"
Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Patterm Recoginition, pp. 561-564,
Aug. 2002.
A. Yamada, Y. Shirai, and J. Miura ,
"Tracking Players and a Ball in Video Image Sequence and
Estimating Camera Parameters for 3D Interpretation of Soccer Games,"
Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Patterm Recoginition, pp. 303-306,
Aug. 2002.
N. Tanibata, N. Shimada and Y. Shirai, "Extraction of Hand Features
for Recognition of Sign Language Words", Proc. of Int. Conf on Vision
Interface, pp.391-398, 2002.
Miura and Y. Shirai,
"Parallel Scheduling of Planning and Action for Realizing an Efficient
and Reactive Robotic System", Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Control,
Automation, Robotics and Vision, pp. 246-251, Singapore, Dec. 2002.
J. Miura , Y. Negishi, and Y. Shirai,
"Mobile Robot Map Generation by Integrating Omnidirectional Stereo and
Laser Range Finder",Proc. 2002 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, pp. 250-255, Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct. 2002.
H. Koyasu, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai, "Omnidirectional Stereo-Based
Eg N. Tanibata, N. Shimada and Y. Shirai, "Extraction of Hand Features For Recognition of Sign Language Words", Proc. of Int. Conf on Vision Interface, pp.391-398, 2002.o-Motion Estimation and Environment Recognition by a Mobile Robot,"
Proc. of 2002 Japan-U.S.A. Symp. on Flexible Automation, Hiroshima, July 2002.
M. H. Jeong, Y. Kuno, N. Shimada and Y. Shirai,
"Two-Hand Gesture Recognition Using Coupled Switching Linear Model",
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, pp. 529-532, 2002.
H. Koyasu, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai, "Recognizing Moving Obstacles for Robot
Navigation Using Real-time Omnidirectional Stereo Vision",
J. of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 147-156, 2002.
N. Tanibata, N. Shimada and Y. Shirai, "Extraction of Hand Features For Recognition of Sign Language Words", Proc. of Int. Conf on Vision Interface, pp.391-398, 2002.
"遷移ネットワークに基づく多視点画像時系列からの手指形状推定 ",
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-II, Vol. J85-D-II, No. 8, pp. 1291-1299, 2002.
J. Miura, M. Itoh, and Y. Shirai, "Towards Vision-Based Intelligent Navigator:
Its Concept and Prototype", IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
Vol.3, No.2, pp.136-146, 2002.
J. Miura, T. Kanda, S. Nakatani, and Y. Shirai, "An Active Vision System for
On-line Traffic Sign Recognition", IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems,
Vol. E85-D, No. 11, pp. 1784-1792, 2002.
Y. Makihara, M. Takizawa, K. Ninokata, Y. Shirai, J. Miura, and N. Shimada.
A Service Robot Acting by Occasional Dialog -- Object Recognition
Using Dialog with User and Sensor-Based Manipulation --.
J. of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 124-132, 2002.
白井良明,三浦純: 複雑背景における人の追跡,情報処理学会論文誌:コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア,Vol. 43, No. SIG4, pp. 33-42 (June 2002)
M. H. Jeong, Y. Kuno, N. Shimada and Y. Shirai,
"Recognition of Shape-Changing Hand Gestures",
IEICE Trans. on Info. and Sys., Vol. E85-D-II, No. 8, pp. 1291-1299, 2002
先山卓朗, 原口一馬, 島田伸敬, 白井良明:
FIT2002(情報技術レターズ) LI-11, Vol.1, pp.145-146, 2002.
Inhyuk Moon, Jun Miura, and Yoshiaki Shirai: On-line Extraction of Stable
Visual Landmarks for a Mobile Robot with Stereo Vision, Advanced Robotics
Vol.16, No.8, pp.701-719, 2002.
滝澤正夫,槇原 靖,白井良明,島田伸敬,三浦 純.
システム制御情報学会誌, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 174-182 (2003)
Y.Kuno, N. Shimada, and Y. Shirai: Look where your're going: A robotic
wheelchair based on the integration of human and environmental observations,
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol.10, No.1, pp.26-34, 2003
根岸善朗, 三浦 純, 白井良明.
日本ロボット学会誌, Vol. 21, No.6 690-696, 2003
M. Takizawa, Y. Makihara, N. Shimada, J. Miura , and Y. Shirai,
"A Service Robot with Interactive Vision",
Proc. of the 1st Int. Workshop on Language Understanding and Agents
for Real World Interaction, pp. 16-23, Jul. 2003.
M. H. Jeong, Y. Kuno, N. Shimada and Y. Shirai,
"Recognition of Two-Hand Gestures Using Coupled Swithing Linear Model",
IEICE Trans. on Info. and Sys., Vol.E86-D, No.8, pp. 1416-1425, 2003
Y. Makihara, M. Takizawa, Y. Shirai, and N. Shimada,
"Object Recognition under Various Lighting Conditions",
Proc. of the 13th Scandinavian Conf. on Image Analysis, pp. 899-906,
Jul. 2003.
H. Katsura, J. Miura, M. Hild, and Y. Shirai,
"A View-Based Outdoor Navigation Using Object Recognition Robust to Changes of Weather and Seasons",
Proc. 2003 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, Oct. 2003.
Y. Negishi, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai. "Vision-Based Mobile Robot Speed Control Using a Probabilistic Occupancy Map," Proc. 2003 Int. Conf. on Multisensor Fusion and Integration in Intelligent Systems, pp. 64-69, Tokyo, July 2003.
J. Miura, Y. Shirai, N. Shimada, Y. Makihara, M. Takizawa, and Y. Yano, "Development of a Personal Service Robot with User-Friendly Interfaces," Proc. of Field and Service Robots 2003, pp. 293-298, July 2003.
H. Koyasu, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai. "Mobile Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments using Omnidirectional Stereo," Proc. 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 893-898, Sep. 2003.
槇原 靖,白井良明,島田伸敬 "対話を用いた物体認識のための照明変化への適応 ",
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-II, Vol.J87, No.2, 629-638, 2004
A. Imai, N. Shimada, and Y. Shirai, "3D Hand Posture Recognition by
Tranining Contour Variation" Proc. of The 6th Int. Conf. on Automatic
Face and Gesture Recognition, pp. 895-900, May 2004.
Y. Hamada, N. Shimada, and Y. Shirai,
Hand Shape Estimation under Complex Backgrounds for Sign Language
Recognition, The 6th International Conference on Automatic Face
and Gesture Recognition, pp. 589-594, 17-19 May 2004.
Y. Yamane, Y. Shirai, N. Shimada and J. Miura, "Recognizing Multiple Persons Using Multiple Cameras", Proc. of 10th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, pp.83-88, 2004.
Md. Hasanuzzaman, V.Ampornaramveth, Tao Zhang, M.A Bhuian, Y. Shirai, and
H. Ueno: "Real-time Vision-Based Gesture Recognition for Human Robot
Interaction". Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics
2004 (ROBIO 2004), Shenyang China, pp 379-384, August 22-26, 2004.
Md. Hasanuzzaman, M.A. Bhuiyan, V. Ampornaramveth, T. Zhang, Y. Shirai, and H. Ueno:
Vision-Based Hand Gestures Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction,
Proc. Int. Conf. on Informatics in Control, Autmation & Robotics, pp.19-24, Portugal, August (2004)
Md. Hasanuzzaman, T. Zhang, V. Ampornaramveth, M.A. Bhuiyan, Y. Shirai and H. Ueno:
Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction through a Knowledge based Software Platform,
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Image Analsis and Reognition (ICIAR) Spriger-Verlag, Vol.1, pp. 530-537, Prtugal, September 2004
Y. Makihara, Y. Shirai, and N. Shimada,
"Online Learning of Color Transformation for Interactive Object Recognition under Various Lighting Conditions",
Proc. of 17th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 3, pp.161-164, Cambridge, UK, Aug. 2004.
Md. Hasanuzzaman, T. Zhang, V. Ampornaramveth, P. Kiatisevi, Y. Shirai and H. Ueno:
Gesture-Based Human-Robot Interaction Using a Frame Based Software Platform, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on SMC, Netherland, October 2004.
Md. Hasanuzzaman, V. Ampornaramveth, T. Zhang, M.A. Bhuiyan, Y. Shirai and H. Ueno:
Face and Gesture Recognition Using Subspace Method for Human-Robot Interaction,
Proc. of 5th Pacific Rim Conf. on Multimedia Information Processing, Vol.1, pp.369-376, Springer-Verlag, Netherland, December 2004.
Md. Hasanuzzaman, T. Zhang, V. Ampornaramveth, M.A. Bhuiyan, Y. Shirai and H. Ueno:
Face and Gesture Interpretation for Person-Centric Human-Robot Interaction, Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. on Workshop on Man-Machine Symbiotic Systems, pp.181-193, Kyoto, Nov. 2004
Md. Hasanuzzaman, M.A. Bhuiyan, V. Ampornaramveth, T. Zhang, Y. Shirai and H. Ueno:
Hand Gesture Interpretation for Human-Robot Interaction, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer and Information Technology, Dhaka, December 2004.
Atsushi Matsumono, Nobutaka Shimada, Takuro Sakiyama, Jun Miura, and Yoshiaki Shirai: Robust Face Recognition under Various Illumination
Conditions, Proc. of IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, pp.414-417, May 2005
桂浩章 三浦純 ヒルド・ミヒャエル 白井良明:
日本ロボット学会誌 Vol. 23 No. 1 pp. 75-83, 2005
子安大士 三浦純 白井良明:
日本ロボット学会誌 Vol. 23 No. 2 pp. 263-271, 2005
槇原靖, 白井良明, 島田伸敬,
電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J88-D2, No.5, pp.886-896, 2005
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-II, Vol.J88, No.8 pp.1643-1651, 2005
J. Miura, K. Iwase, and Y. Shirai.
"Interactive Teaching of a Mobile Robot,"
Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation,
pp. 3389-3394, Barcelona, Spain, April 2005.
H. Morita, M. Hild, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai,
"View-Based Localization in Outdoor Environments Using Support Vector
Proc. 2005 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
pp. 3083-3088, Edmonton, Canada, August 2005.
Md. Hasanuzzaman, T. Zhang, V. Ampornaramveth, H. Gotoda, Y. Shirai and H. Ueno:
Knowledge-based Person-centric Human-robot Interaction by Means of Gestures,
Information Technology Journal, Asian Network for Scientific Information, Vol. 4(4), pp. 496-507, 2005.
Md. Hasanuzzaman, T. Zhang, V. Ampornaramveth, H. Gotoda, Y. Shirai and H. Ueno
: Knowledge-Based Person-Centric Human-Robot Interaction Using Facial and Hand Gestures,
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, pp. 2121-2127, Hawaii, October 2005.
Y. Makihara, Jun Miura and Y. Shirai: Srategy for Displaying the Recognition Result in Interactive Vision, Poceedings of Cyberworlds 2005, pp.467-474, Sigapore, (Nov. 2005)
三浦 純,根岸善朗,白井良明
日本ロボット学会誌,Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 47-55, 2006.
J. Miura, Y. Negishi, and Y. Shirai: Adaptive robot speed control
by considering maps and motion uncertainty, Robotics and Autonomous
Systems, Vol.54, No. 2, pp.110-117, 2006
T. Shimawaki, T. Sakiyama, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai. "estimation of Ball Route under Overlapping with Players and Lines in Soccer Video Image Sequence",
Proc. the 18th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, pp. 359-362, Hong Kong,
China, Aug. 2006.
T. Shimawaki and J. Miura and T. Sakiyama and Y.~Shirai,
"Ball Route Estimation in Broadcast Soccer Video",
Proceedings of ECCV-2006 Workshop on Computer Vision
Based Analysis in Sport Environments", pages =26--37, 2006
K. Kawahigashi, Y. Shirai, J. Miura, and N. Shimada: Automatic Synthesis of
Training Data for Sign Language Recognition Using HMM, Proc. 10th
International Conference on Compters Helping People with Special Needs,
pp.623-626, 2006
Atsushi Matsumoto, Yoshiaki Shirai, Nobutaka Shimada, Takuro Sakiyama, and Jun Miura: Robust Face Recognition under Various Illumination Conditions,
IEICE Trans. on Info. and Sys., Vol.E89-D, No.7, pp.2157-2163, 2006
H. Morita, M. Hild, J. Miura, and Y. Shirai,
Panoramic View-Based Navigation in Outdoor Environments Based on
Support Vector Learning,
Proc. 2006 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, pp. 2303-2307, Beijing, China, Oct. 2006.
Md. Hasanuzzaman, T. Zhang, V. Ampornaramveth, Y. Shirai and H. Ueno:
Gesture-Based Human-Robot Interaction Using a Knolwdge-Based Software Platform,
International Journal of Industrial Robots, Vol.33, No.1, pp.37-49, 2006.
情報処理学会論文誌、コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア, Vol. 47, No. SIG15(CVIM 16), pp.1-9, 2006
浜田康志,島田伸敬,白井良明:手話認識のための複雑背景下で高速に運動する手指の形状推定, 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-II, Vol.J90-D No.3, pp.617-627, 2007
電気学会論文誌、電子・情報・システム部門誌C, Vol. 127, No.3, pp. 359-366, 2007
三浦 純, 森田英夫,ヒルド ミヒャエル,白井良明:
日本ロボット学会誌,Vol. 25, No. 5 pp. 792-798, 2007
原口 一馬,島田伸敬,白井 良明,三浦 純, "センサの見通し可能性を考慮した確率的モデルによる障害物地図の作成", 日本ロボット学会誌 Vol.25 No.04,pp.148-158, 2007.
Md. Hasanuzzaman, S.M. Tareeq, T. Zhang, V. Ampornaramveth, H. Gotoda, Y. Shirai
and H. Ueno:
Adaptive Visual Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction,
Malaysian Joutnal of Computer Science, Vol.20, No.1, pp.23-34, 2007.
Md. Hasanuzzaman, T. Zhang, V. Ampornaramveth, H. Gotoda, Y. Shirai and H. Ueno:
Adaptive Visual Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction Using
Knowledge-based Software Platform, International Journal of Robotics and
Autonomous Systems, Vol.55, No.8, pp.643-657, 2007.
K. Haraguchi, J. Miura, N. Shimada and Y. Shirai,
“Probabilistic Map Building Considering Sensor Visibility,”
in Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Informatics in Control, Automation and
Robotics (ICINCO), vol. 1, pp. 200-206, Angers, France, May 2007.
M.Ueda, Y.Shirai, M.Oonuki: Automatic Diagnosis System of Golf Swing,
Proc. 3rd Congres on Sports Technology, pp. 271〜276, Sigapore, 2007.
Masahiko Ueda, Masahide Oonuki, Yoshiaki Shirai, and Nobutaka Shimada:
Automatic Diagnosis System of Golf Swing,
Proc. of the Impact of Technology on Sport 2, pp.271-276, 2007.
A. Imai, N. Shimada and Y. Shirai: "Hand Posture Estimation in Complex Backgrounds by Considering", Proc. of Asian Conf. on Computer Vision (ACCV) pp.596-607, November 2007.
K. Haraguchi, J. Miura, N. Shimada and Y. Shirai, "Probabilistic Map Building Considering Sensor Visibility for Mobile Robot", Proc. of Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS) 2007, October 2007.
Tadashi Matsuo, Yoshiaki Shirai,
"Sign Language Recognition using HMM which Accepts Various Movements",
Proceedings of the Third Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics
(MPR2007), OS4-4, Shiga, Japan, Novenmer 16-17, 2007.
Yoko Ogawa,Nobutaka Shimada, Yoshiaki Shirai,
"Environmental Mapping by Trinocular Vision for Self-Localization Using
Monocular Vision",
Proceedings of the Third Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics
(MPR2007), OS3-3, Shiga, Japan, Novenmer 16-17, 2007.
Satoko Shinjo, Yutaka Yamada, Tadashi Matsuo, Yoshiaki Shirai, Nobutaka Shimada,
"Automatic Synthesis of Training Data for Sign Language Recognition
using HMM",
Proceedings of the Third Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics
(MPR2007), PS13, Shiga, Japan, Novenmer 16-17, 2007.
今井章博, 島田伸敬, 白井良明:
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-II, Vol.J91-D No.3, pp.784-792, 2008
島田伸敬,白井良明: 手指ジェスチャの画像計測手法とその応用,(招待),
情報処理学会論文誌, コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア,
Vol.1 No.1, pp.53-63, 2008.
松尾直志, 白井良明, 島田伸敬: 手話認識のためのHMM構造の自動生成,
ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2008, pp.915-922(2008)
Yutaka Yamada, Tadashi Matsuo, Nobutaka Shimada and Yoshiaki Shirai:
Classification of Hand Shape with Similar Contour for Sign Language Recognition,
4th Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics(MPR2008), Beijing, China, Nov 2008
Takanori Shiosaki, Tadashi Matsuo, Nobutaka Shimada and Yoshiaki Shirai:
Motion Segmentation Using Hand Movement and Hand Shape for Sign Language Recognition,
4th Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics(MPR2008), Beijing, China, Nov 2008
Kazuhiro Maki, Noriaki Katayama, Nobutaka Shimada, Yoshiaki Shirai:
Image-Based Automatic Detection of Indoor Scene Events and Interactive Inquiry,
19th Int. Conf. on PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR2008), TuAT8.13, Tampa, Dec 2008
Tadashi Matsuo, Yoshiaki Shirai, Nobutaka Shimada:
Automatic Generation of HMM Topology for Sign Language Recognition,
19th Int. Conf. on PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR2008), TuAT8.13, Tampa, Dec 2008
Jun Miura, Takumi Shimawakia, Takuro Sakiyama and Yoshiaki Shirai:
Ball route estimation under heavy occlusion in broadcast soccer video,
Computer Vision and Image Understanding(CVIU), Vol. 113, pp. 653-662, 2009
Tadashi Matsuo, Yoshiaki Shirai, Nobutaka Shimada:
Estimation of HMM Topology for Sign Language Recognition,
Proc. 15th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2009),
pp.41-44, Andong, Feb 2009
Md.Hasanuzzaman, S.M.tareeq, M.A.Bhuiyan, Y.Shirai and H.Ueno: ASL Characters Recognition
Using Person Specific Subspace Method, Daffodils International University Journal of Science
and Technology, Vo.4, Issue 2, July 2009
小川陽子, 白井良明, 島田伸敬: カメラ位置姿勢の高速な推定のためのランドマーク選択法と単眼視によるロボットのナビゲーション, 日本ロボット学会誌 Vol.29 No.9,pp. 811-820, 2011.
Satoshi Yamaguchi, Koji Satake, Shigehiro Morikawa, Yoshiaki Shirai, Hiromi T Tanaka
Needle insertion simulation by arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method.
Studies in health technology and informatics 01/2011; 163:710-2.
Bao Nguyen Thien, Yoshiaki Shirai:
Auto feature selection for object detection, can or can't?,
27th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, 2011
ゴルフスイング診断のための画素値の時間ヒストグラムと グラフカットに基づく人体シルエット抽出,
電気学会論文誌, Vol.132, No.11, pp.1840-1846, 2012.
Sho MIYAMOTO, Tadashi MATSUO, Nobutaka SHIMADA,Yoshiaki SHIRAI (Ritsumeikan University),
"Real-Time and Precise 3-D Hand Posture Estimation Based on Classification Tree Trained with Variations of Appearances",
ICPR2012, Tsukuba Science City, Japan, November 11-15, 2012.
松尾 直志, 山田 寛, 白井 良明, 島田 伸敬,
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, Vol.15, No.1, pp.85-94, 2013.
Satoshi Yamaguchi, Kihei Tsutsui, Koji Satake, Shigehiro Morikawa, Yoshiaki Shirai, Hiromi T Tanaka
Dynamic analysis of a needle insertion for soft materials: Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian-based three-dimensional finite element analysis
Computer in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 53,1 October, pp.42-27, 2014
Shinya Morioka, Tadashi Matsuo, Yasuhiro Hiramoto, Nobutaka Shimada, Yoshiaki Shirai:
"Automatic Image Collection of Objects with Similar Function by Learning Human Grasping Forms" (presentation(PPTX)),
The 3rd International Workshop on Multimodal pattern recognition of social signals in human computer interaction (MPRSS2014) (ICPR 2014 Satellite Workshop), Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24, 2014
Shinya Morioka, Tadashi Matsuo, Yasuhiro Hiramoto, Nobutaka Shimada, Yoshiaki Shirai:
"Automatic Image Collection of Objects with Similar Function by Learning Human Grasping Forms", Multimodal Pattern Recognition of Social Signals in Human-Computer-Interaction, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8869, Springer International Publishing, pp. 3-14 (2015).